Starting Out

I have been thinking about starting my own blog for ages. I've discovered, like many before me, that I like to write. Sometimes random thoughts and ideas come to me yet I don't always get them out and on paper. I have "journaled" off and on throughout my life, but it never stuck. Recently, before I left the corporate world, I started writing a few pieces for publications, and for our company blog. I realized how much I enjoy writing and reading and researching and I needed to join the millions who also blog. For me, myself and I.

Have the Heart to Do It - Photo by Katie and Maeve

You can check out some of my previous posts on people management and compliance blogs or on LinkedIn.

Starting a blog, however, takes time and energy and that isn't always available when you want or need it! The timing for Starting Out never seemed to arrive. It seems that juggling a full time job, part time studies toward a Masters, two children's busy schedules and an ailing Mom makes it pretty tough! I have always kept "BUSY" but in a good way. More on being "BUSY" in a future blog. How the heck was I ever going to do this?

I researched the numerous blogs out there - how to start a blog, the best platforms, reviewed those I follow, and boy it was a bit overwhelming! I took out books from the library, and yet I still couldn't get it started. I always made an excuse. I could blog on LinkedIn. What was I going to blog about? What could I say or write about that was different?  I'm sure many others went through this as well.

I like to get involved in many things, but sometimes you just can't do it all. So yes, it has taken me some time to finally take the plunge, jump off the cliff, or dive in, whatever saying or idiom you want to use. Yes it has taken me some time. But, I am finally Starting Out.

Starting Out for me was accidentally trying out Blogger. Yes I know almost everyone recommends WordPress and this was meant to be a test. But lo and behold after some fiddling, I discovered it wasn't that tough. I put up a couple of photos, wrote what was on my mind the first day and somehow labelled my blog Starting Out! Yep I guess it is better to read and research a little more before you actually take the plunge! (I later figured out how to change the name of the blog - whoo hoo!).

I amused myself and I sent my first post to my Accountability Partner, wonderful friend and blogger who cheered me on - saying Keep Going! As I mentioned earlier this is for me, myself and I so after a few chuckles on my own, and sharing that with her, I decided to keep going!

I will call this an experiment, an evolution, a test run. And some may like to join me on my journey as I explore the world of blogging. Perhaps you'll learn a few things about juggling work and life that I can share. Perhaps you will have the same silly sense of humour I have and enjoy my stories. I think I am going to have fun with this Starting Out Movement! For more about movements you can read my Accidental Blog post called Look Up.

Look Up! Photo by H*Raiser
So here I go again. Write, upload a few photos, insert a few links, write some more. Laugh at myself. Smile. Hope others might join along but be okay if they don't. Right now Life Works Well is for me. I'm exploring my next and getting to do something I love. And I am doing it for me. Me, Myself and I.

Now, unfortunately, I need to get back to some work that pays, some editing and writing for a large publication company. Yet I get to do this from my home office, and then juggle off to hockey practice. How cool is that?

So Starting Out is now my Life Works Well blog. Soon to be my Life Works Well Movement.

It is going to be an evolving journey, and I look forward to learning hands-on. Feel free to come along! Oh and please - tips and feedback welcome. #Gratitude

Helen, aka H*Raiser, is about to start a Movement. The Life Works Well Movement. Stay Tuned!


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