The Year of Glow, Teach, Learn, Grow & Give

And a Few Surprises Too! Reflections on 2018 My focus in 2018 was self-care, trying to get healthier - mind, body and soul. Man, it is never-ending, isn’t it? I also continued my quest to teach, learn, grow and give. Things happened organically last year and while I had a few plans there were many surprises along the way. I continued with the theme from 2017, the importance of family and friends and staying true to yourself. As I reflect back on 2018, much of that remained the same and I added a little more. Everyone can keep learning and trying out something new at any age. Take the challenge up, get out of your comfort zone and do it! Glow End of year Glow in Key West, FL My year started out by attending a meditation workshop where we reflect, meditate and learn about our nervous systems and bodies. Then from this, a Word of the Year arises and we painted what came from that. This was something new for me, and very fun. I went in with a word in mind (to be honest ...