Starting Out
I have been thinking about starting my own blog for ages. I've discovered, like many before me, that I like to write. Sometimes random thoughts and ideas come to me yet I don't always get them out and on paper. I have "journaled" off and on throughout my life, but it never stuck. Recently, before I left the corporate world, I started writing a few pieces for publications, and for our company blog. I realized how much I enjoy writing and reading and researching and I needed to join the millions who also blog. For me, myself and I. Have the Heart to Do It - Photo by Katie and Maeve You can check out some of my previous posts on people management and compliance blogs or on LinkedIn . Starting a blog, however, takes time and energy and that isn't always available when you want or need it! The timing for Starting Out never seemed to arrive. It seems that juggling a full time job, part time studies toward a Masters, two children's busy schedules and an ai...